
Thursday, 2 December 2021

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, November 29, 2021

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, November 29, 2021

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, November 29, 2021

Posted: 30 Nov 2021 06:50 PM PST

 MS. PSAKI:  Hi, everyone. Q    Hello. MS. PSAKI:  Happy post-Thanksgiving, salad-eating days, I guess.  (Laughter.) Okay, a couple of items for all of you at the top.  As you all know, today is...

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Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, November 23, 2021

Posted: 30 Nov 2021 06:06 PM PST

 MS. PSAKI:  Hi, everyone.Q    Whoa.MS. PSAKI:  Oh, sorry.Q    What, you got a holiday to go to?  (Laughter.)MS. PSAKI:  Whoa.  We're a little earl- — we're just excited to see you guys.  Okay, I...

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Tuesday, 30 November 2021

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Friday, 26 November 2021

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Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, November 15, 2021

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, November 15, 2021

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, November 15, 2021

Posted: 15 Nov 2021 05:51 PM PST

 MS. PSAKI:  Hi, everyone.  Okay.  I just have one item for all of you at the top. Obviously, an exciting day here at the White House, but I also wanted to note that the President — which we...

Thank you for spending some time at my site : www.tranganhnam.xyz and in my blog : http://hocdethi.blogspot.com/. I hope you come to visit again soon!

Monday, 15 November 2021

Inflation airhead: NBC's Stephanie Ruhle says the "dirty little secret" of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good.

Inflation airhead: NBC's Stephanie Ruhle says the "dirty little secret" of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good.

Inflation airhead: NBC's Stephanie Ruhle says the "dirty little secret" of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good.

Posted: 15 Nov 2021 08:59 AM PST

Stephanie Ruhle argued Americans have to put the high inflation rate and rising costs of food and other every day items "in perspective" on Sunday.The consumer price index rose 6.2% year over year in...

Thank you for spending some time at my site : www.tranganhnam.xyz and in my blog : http://hocdethi.blogspot.com/. I hope you come to visit again soon!

Rep. Adam Schiff says he 'couldn't have known' Steele's primary source had allegedly lied

Posted: 14 Nov 2021 09:44 PM PST

 There is nothing Adam Schiffty can do to surprise us here at Right Scoop. I mean literally nothing. If I woke up tomorrow and found out that Adam Schiff had overnight grown into a 100 ft tall,...

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Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021 23:34:23 +0700
Subject: Fwd: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Inflation airhead: NBC&#39;s Stephanie Ruhle says the &quot;dirty little secret&quot; of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good..
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T=E1=BB=AB: Joe Biden <noreply-comment@blogger.com>
Date: Th 2, 15 thg 11, 2021 va=CC=80o lu=CC=81c 23:15
Subject: [Trang =C3=81nh Nam] New comment on Inflation airhead: NBC&#39;s
Stephanie Ruhle says the &quot;dirty little secret&quot; of people
complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is
they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been
saving during the pandemic and stocks look good..
To: <trongrau1368@gmail.com>

Joe Biden has left a new comment on your post "Inflation airhead: NBC's
Stephanie Ruhle says the "dirty little secret" of people complaining about
paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford
it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the
pandemic and stocks look good.

I guess if I made a 7 figure salary I wouldn't be complaining that the
price of groceries have risen 35%. But since I don't, these millionaires
should be donating their wealth to food banks around the Nation to feed the
poor people who can't afford the cost.

from comment emails for this blog.

Posted by Joe Biden to Trang =C3=81nh Nam <https://www.tranganhnam.xyz> at =
15, 2021, 8:15 AM

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<div dir=3D"ltr"><br><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"ltr" class=
=3D"gmail_attr">---------- Forwarded message ---------<br>T=E1=BB=AB: <stro=
ng class=3D"gmail_sendername" dir=3D"auto">Joe Biden</strong> <span dir=3D"=
auto">&lt;<a href=3D"mailto:noreply-comment@blogger.com">noreply-comment@bl=
ogger.com</a>&gt;</span><br>Date: Th 2, 15 thg 11, 2021 va=CC=80o lu=CC=81c=
 23:15<br>Subject: [Trang =C3=81nh Nam] New comment on Inflation airhead: N=
BC&amp;#39;s Stephanie Ruhle says the &amp;quot;dirty little secret&amp;quo=
t; of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for t=
heir homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should=
 have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good..<br>To:  &lt;<a=
/div><br><br><div>Joe Biden has left a new comment on your post &quot;<a hr=
" target=3D"_blank">Inflation airhead: NBC&#39;s Stephanie Ruhle =
says the &quot;dirty little secret&quot; of people complaining about paying=
 higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just=
 fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic=
 and stocks look good.</a>&quot;:<br><br>I guess if I made a 7 figure salar=
y I wouldn&#39;t be complaining that the price of groceries have risen 35%.=
 But since I don&#39;t, these millionaires should be donating their wealth =
to food banks around the Nation to feed the poor people who can&#39;t affor=
d the cost.<br><br><a href=3D"https://www.blogger.com/email/action?token=3D=
" target=3D"_blank">Unsubscribe=
</a> from comment emails for this blog.<br><br><br><br><span style=3D"color=
:gray;font-size:medium">Posted by Joe Biden to <a href=3D"https://www.trang=
anhnam.xyz" target=3D"_blank">Trang =C3=81nh Nam</a> at Nov 15, 2021, 8:15 =


Fwd: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Inflation airhead: NBC's Stephanie Ruhle says the "dirty little secret" of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good..

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Từ: Joe Biden <noreply-comment@blogger.com>
Date: Th 2, 15 thg 11, 2021 vào lúc 23:15
Subject: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Inflation airhead: NBC&#39;s Stephanie Ruhle says the &quot;dirty little secret&quot; of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good..
To: <trongrau1368@gmail.com>

Joe Biden has left a new comment on your post "Inflation airhead: NBC's Stephanie Ruhle says the "dirty little secret" of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good.":

I guess if I made a 7 figure salary I wouldn't be complaining that the price of groceries have risen 35%. But since I don't, these millionaires should be donating their wealth to food banks around the Nation to feed the poor people who can't afford the cost.

Unsubscribe from comment emails for this blog.

Posted by Joe Biden to Trang Ánh Nam at Nov 15, 2021, 8:15 AM

Fwd: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Inflation airhead: NBC's Stephanie Ruhle says the "dirty little secret" of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good..

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Từ: Jen Psaki <noreply-comment@blogger.com>
Date: Th 2, 15 thg 11, 2021 vào lúc 23:14
Subject: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Inflation airhead: NBC&#39;s Stephanie Ruhle says the &quot;dirty little secret&quot; of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good..
To: <trongrau1368@gmail.com>

Jen Psaki has left a new comment on your post "Inflation airhead: NBC's Stephanie Ruhle says the "dirty little secret" of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good.":

Hey Steph, tell that to the senior citizens and people on disability trying to survive on meager fixed incomes. Neither of those groups are being considered in the BBB fiasco, so there's no potential light at the end of the tunnel for them.

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Posted by Jen Psaki to Trang Ánh Nam at Nov 15, 2021, 8:14 AM

Fwd: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Inflation airhead: NBC's Stephanie Ruhle says the "dirty little secret" of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good..

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Từ: Adam Chiff <noreply-comment@blogger.com>
Date: Th 2, 15 thg 11, 2021 vào lúc 23:13
Subject: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Inflation airhead: NBC&#39;s Stephanie Ruhle says the &quot;dirty little secret&quot; of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good..
To: <trongrau1368@gmail.com>

Adam Chiff has left a new comment on your post "Inflation airhead: NBC's Stephanie Ruhle says the "dirty little secret" of people complaining about paying higher prices for food and fuel for their homes is they can afford it just fine. According to her, people should have been saving during the pandemic and stocks look good.":

There are many people whose budgets are stretched as it is. To suddenly have an inflationary spike that is affecting not only groceries but also many essentials is devastating.
And, it is absolutely elitist to simply dismiss the inflation because people can supposedly "afford" it. I'm sure that most people would like to do other things with that money, even if it's saving and investing it for their kid's education or retirement.

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Posted by Adam Chiff to Trang Ánh Nam at Nov 15, 2021, 8:13 AM

Sunday, 14 November 2021

Fwd: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Rep. Adam Schiff says he 'couldn't have known' Steele's primary source had allegedly lied.

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Từ: Meghan McCain <noreply-comment@blogger.com>
Date: Th 2, 15 thg 11, 2021 vào lúc 12:55
Subject: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Rep. Adam Schiff says he &#39;couldn&#39;t have known&#39; Steele&#39;s primary source had allegedly lied.
To: <trongrau1368@gmail.com>

Meghan McCain has left a new comment on your post "Rep. Adam Schiff says he 'couldn't have known' Steele's primary source had allegedly lied":

Adam said he had seen the evidence of collusion, not heard the evidence. Big, big difference. He lied to Congress.

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Posted by Meghan McCain to Trang Ánh Nam at Nov 14, 2021, 9:55 PM

Fwd: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Rep. Adam Schiff says he 'couldn't have known' Steele's primary source had allegedly lied.

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Từ: Kyrsten Sinema <noreply-comment@blogger.com>
Date: Th 2, 15 thg 11, 2021 vào lúc 12:53
Subject: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Rep. Adam Schiff says he &#39;couldn&#39;t have known&#39; Steele&#39;s primary source had allegedly lied.
To: <trongrau1368@gmail.com>

Kyrsten Sinema has left a new comment on your post "Rep. Adam Schiff says he 'couldn't have known' Steele's primary source had allegedly lied":

Schiff is acting like that he was just investigating a regular citizen for a simple crime, and if he made a mistake then it is not a big deal, but he was investigating The President of United States, and trying to remove him from presidency, and that was not a mistake when he lied about the truthiness of the dossier. The damage that Schiff has done to America cannot be repaired.

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Posted by Kyrsten Sinema to Trang Ánh Nam at Nov 14, 2021, 9:53 PM

Fwd: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Rep. Adam Schiff says he 'couldn't have known' Steele's primary source had allegedly lied.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Từ: Don Lemon <noreply-comment@blogger.com>
Date: Th 2, 15 thg 11, 2021 vào lúc 12:51
Subject: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Rep. Adam Schiff says he &#39;couldn&#39;t have known&#39; Steele&#39;s primary source had allegedly lied.
To: <trongrau1368@gmail.com>

Don Lemon has left a new comment on your post "Rep. Adam Schiff says he 'couldn't have known' Steele's primary source had allegedly lied":

Schiff is the reflection of the District he comes from that will elect him again despite the lies and misrepresentations he pushed on the American people, after all he's from California, the people that can't unload a ship, can't prevent a forest fire much less fight one, have more homeless on the streets than four or five other states combined, shut off the water to some of the richest farmland in the country and now have exhausted their water supply with mindless building. They deserve Schiff and he them, what the rest of us need to do is give a majority to the Republicans to render him silent.

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Posted by Don Lemon to Trang Ánh Nam at Nov 14, 2021, 9:51 PM

Fwd: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Rep. Adam Schiff says he 'couldn't have known' Steele's primary source had allegedly lied.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Từ: Joe Biden <noreply-comment@blogger.com>
Date: Th 2, 15 thg 11, 2021 vào lúc 12:48
Subject: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Rep. Adam Schiff says he &#39;couldn&#39;t have known&#39; Steele&#39;s primary source had allegedly lied.
To: <trongrau1368@gmail.com>

Joe Biden has left a new comment on your post "Rep. Adam Schiff says he 'couldn't have known' Steele's primary source had allegedly lied":

Isn't it Schiff's job to verify the accuracy of the evidence he is presenting in a court case, or impeachment? I would think he would be concerned that case would fall apart if the evidence was proven false.

Oh wait, I forgot, Schiff knew the whole impeachment was political circus to make the "Bad Orange Man" go away so he didn't need to verify anything.

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Posted by Joe Biden to Trang Ánh Nam at Nov 14, 2021, 9:48 PM

Fwd: [Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Rep. Adam Schiff says he 'couldn't have known' Steele's primary source had allegedly lied.

Jen Psaki has left a new comment on your post "Rep. Adam Schiff says he 'couldn't have known' Steele's primary source had allegedly lied":

Um who hired Steele? He was not a FBI agent or acting in official capacity as a US Intelligence officer. Not far off from asking a random person to provide accurate information. The ethical question is was money paid to investigate or was money paid to come up with something the client wanted to hear.

Considering the level this reached, this should be considered espionage and a few dozen other charges.

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Posted by Jen Psaki to Trang Ánh Nam at Nov 14, 2021, 9:47 PM

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Jen Psaki on skyrocketing gas prices: "Our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes an even stronger case for doubling down our investment and our focus on clean energy options."

Jen Psaki on skyrocketing gas prices: "Our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes an even stronger case for doubling down our investment and our focus on clean energy options."

Jen Psaki on skyrocketing gas prices: "Our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes an even stronger case for doubling down our investment and our focus on clean energy options."

Posted: 13 Nov 2021 01:37 AM PST

 Apparently Biden and his White House team loves these high gas prices. According to Psaki today, the rise in gas prices helps make the case for clean energy or something:<!-- Main Wrapper...

Thank you for spending some time at my site : www.tranganhnam.xyz and in my blog : http://hocdethi.blogspot.com/. I hope you come to visit again soon!

Friday, 12 November 2021

Psaki resumes White House briefings after COVID diagnosis

White House press secretary Jen Psaki resumed her daily press briefings Friday, nearly two weeks after she was diagnosed with COVID-19, joking that one downside to returning was having to wear professional footwear.

 See Also: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki - Live Update

"It's great to be back with all of you," Psaki said, "although as a longtime hater of heels I do miss my slippers, which I'm sure some of the women in this room can agree with."

See Also:  Press Secretary Psaki tells  Mary Alice Parks  about Pres. Biden's trip to Capitol Hill today

It was her first appearance in the White House press briefing room since Oct. 27.

See Also: Dr. Anthony Fauci tells Dana Bash  that US Covid-19 cases are headed in the "right direction," but the US should be careful not to prematurely declare victory.

Psaki had planned to accompany President Joe Biden to world leader summits in Rome and Glasgow, Scotland, but announced Oct. 28 as he was about to depart that she was skipping the trip after members of her household tested positive for COVID-19.

See Also: Rachel Maddow reviews the series of Donald Trump's embarrassing failures at creating his own internet properties in the wake of his excommunication from social media, and reports on the latest venture, replete with typical Trumpian gaffes but also set up as a vehicle for his supporters to give him money.

She announced three days later, on Halloween, that she ultimately had tested positive, too.

See Also: President Biden's agenda

Psaki, 42, observed a 10-day quarantine that ended Wednesday, when a negative test result cleared her return under White House COVID-19 protocols, she said. No briefing was scheduled Thursday because of the Veterans Day federal holiday.

See Also:  Obama: 'I understand' why Americans want to know when COVID-19 mandates will end

Her symptoms were mild, mostly fatigue, she said, giving credit to COVID-19 vaccines.

See Also:  Pelosi on filibuster carveout: Voting rights is 'fundamental'

"I remain incredibly grateful for the vaccine and the impact of the vaccine in keeping me safe and other people in my house safe as well," Psaki said.

See Also:  Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen tells CNN's Jake Tapper that former Clinton and Obama economic official Larry Summers is wrong on his warnings about rising inflation.

Deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre traveled with Biden and conducted press briefings during Psaki's absence.

See Also:  CNN's Brian Stelter wants the media to ditch and remains of objectivity and just portray all conservatives as threats America itself.

Psaki also used her reappearance in the briefing room to segue into the latest steps by the administration to combat the coronavirus, including the authorization of vaccines for children ages 5-11 and millions of dollars in federal aid to help companies ramp up production of coronavirus tests that people can administer at home.

See Also:  DeSantis reveals how Florida is trying to recruit cops from other states whose jobs are threatened by vaccine mandates

"I know I ordered some from Walmart myself, they came the next day and I used them at home," Psaki said.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki returns to work after Covid-19

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki returned to the White House briefing room podium on Friday, 12 days after testing positive for Covid-19.

See Also: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki - Live Update    

"While I have not had close contact in person with the President or senior members of the White House staff since Wednesday — and tested negative for four days after that last contact — I am disclosing today's positive test out of an abundance of transparency," she said in an Oct. 31 statement announcing her positive test.

See Also:  Press Secretary Psaki tells  Mary Alice Parks  about Pres. Biden's trip to Capitol Hill today

Psaki was scheduled to travel with President Joe Biden two weeks ago on his trip to Europe for G-20 meetings and a United Nations climate change summit but at the last minute backed out due to a "family emergency." Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre traveled in her place. Psaki later disclosed in her statement that she did not go because several members of her family had tested positive for Covid.

See Also: Dr. Anthony Fauci tells Dana Bash  that US Covid-19 cases are headed in the "right direction," but the US should be careful not to prematurely declare victory.

"I had intended to go on the trip with the president about two weeks ago. I did not go on the trip because I had members of my household who tested positive for Covid. So out of an abundance of caution, I stayed home," she said in a White House press briefing Friday.

See Also:  Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen tells CNN's Jake Tapper that former Clinton and Obama economic official Larry Summers is wrong on his warnings about rising inflation.

Psaki said she had not seen the president for five days when she tested positive and that they "wore masks and we were sitting outside." Biden received his booster shot at the end of September.

See Also:  CNN anchor defends calling Rand Paul an 'a--' for grilling Fauci on Wuhan lab funding following NIH admission

Psaki experienced mild Covid-19 symptoms, "primarily fatigue," she said. She said she "fortunately" does not have any lingering symptoms and was able to continue working remotely.

See Also:  'It's clear the campaign believes they landed on a message they think is working.' CNN's Eva McKend reports on why an award-winning novel about slavery is now an issue in the Virginia governor's race

Psaki's quarantine period started Nov. 1 and ended Wednesday. She received a negative Covid-19 rapid test result Thursday in accordance with White House policy, and was then cleared to return to work.

See Also: Rachel Maddow reviews the series of Donald Trump's embarrassing failures at creating his own internet properties in the wake of his excommunication from social media, and reports on the latest venture, replete with typical Trumpian gaffes but also set up as a vehicle for his supporters to give him money.

"I remain incredibly grateful for the vaccine for keeping me safe and other people in my house safe as well," she said.

Thursday, 11 November 2021

"There are a lot of people that wish Joe Biden wasn't president, like probably a big majority... but Joe Biden is the president," says Sen. Rick Scott.

"There are a lot of people that wish Joe Biden wasn't president, like probably a big majority... but Joe Biden is the president," says Sen. Rick Scott.

"There are a lot of people that wish Joe Biden wasn't president, like probably a big majority... but Joe Biden is the president," says Sen. Rick Scott.

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 07:04 AM PST

Rick Scott clashes with CNN' Brianna Keilar : "We're going to go on... Democrats are going to talk about Donald Trump, and Republicans are going to win elections."During an appearance on "New Day,"...

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